Wednesday 22 April 2015


Hello DESMA 9 students!

The quiz will only be available to take form 9am to 9pm on Friday May 1st. You will only have 7 minutes from when you open the quiz to finish it and there will be 20 questions. You won't be able to log off for a long time and then get back on again with all the same time left to spare. Once you start it, the countdown clock starts. So be sure your Internet connection is stable! We will not be accepting any excuses!

Be sure to read/watch the med tech + art unit. This will be covered in the quiz along with the first 3 units (2 cultures, math + art, and robotics + art).

Also, remember that your midterm is due on May 3! You should start coming up with ideas NOW, and you may want to meet with your TAs during office hours or send us emails if you want some feedback. 

Finally -- don't forget about events! The quarter is basically half way over (can you believe it?) so you will soon run out of time if you are not on top of this.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to read/watch the med tech + art unit. This will be covered in the quiz along with the first 3 units (2 cultures, math + art, and robotics + art).code free wifi valide
